• Short answer - Yes! Absolutely.

    Energy is not bound by physical space, and online sessions are just as effective as in-person sessions. Whether we connect virtually or in person, the energy is transmitted and received with the same intention and potency.

  • Those who are not used to energy work or do not have mind/body connection can feel less than those that engage in a regular practice.

    Increasing meditation, felt sense meditations, breathwork, yoga and trying a group session can all help increase energy connection.

  • The number of sessions varies based on individual goals and needs. Some people experience profound shifts after just a few sessions, while others may benefit from an ongoing journey.

  • Integration is an important part of the process. After a session, take time to rest, reflect, and engage in self-care. Journaling, meditation, and grounding practices can help you integrate the insights and shifts into your daily routine. Please check out the integration section on my website.

  • Honestly, for many the first few sessions may feel subtle.

    Quite often the first few sessions are about bringing safety and connection to the body as the body will only begin to release and unwind when it feels safe to.

    This really is a process that will unfold at the perfect pace for your nervous system and your level of openness.

    If you truly want to deepen your connection with self and to discover who you really are under all the layers of conditioning, trauma and pain it is going to take COMMITMENT.

    This is not a one session fix

  • Some individuals, a small percentage, might not immediately feel the energetic shifts during a session. But here’s the secret: the energy is always at work, even if you’re not sensing it.

    Why the subtle experience?

    The nervous system plays a crucial role. Your body receives precisely what it’s ready for, never overwhelming or shocking your system. It’s a gentle, nurturing process.

    Resistance can also play a part. If you’ve faced significant traumas, it’s natural to have protective walls. These walls shield you but may also limit your ability to connect deeply during the session.

    An overactive mind, filled with worries or expectations, can pull you away from the subtle energies at play. High expectations can create pressure and hinder the experience.

    Yet, here’s the magic. Patience, self-compassion, and trust in your healing journey open doors to profound transformation. Your body knows the pace it can handle, and healing takes time. Layer by layer, you peel away the old, integrating each step along the way.

    So, if you ever find yourself wondering if anything’s happening during a session, remember: the energy is working, your body is listening, and healing unfolds in its own perfect time.

  • During our sessions, I facilitate a biofield of intensified Kundalini energy, creating a portal for activation. This energy awakens the dormant Kundalini Shakti within you, which starts at the base of your spine. As it flows through the seven chakras, it transcends and merges, guiding you towards oneness and deeper awareness.

    Throughout the process, your body may respond in various ways. You'll be lying down, eyes closed, as I work with my hands to facilitate the release of blockages and emotions. This can lead to physical expressions like movements, vibrations, and even emotional releases. This somatic unwinding promotes healing on multiple levels – emotional, physical, and spiritual.

    One of the remarkable aspects of this work is the resonance it creates. The high-frequency Kundalini energy naturally aligns your vibration,

  • No prior experience is necessary. This work is accessible to everyone, regardless of where you are at in your journey. It's about feeling, not knowing. Beginners often find profound shifts. The best way to show up for an session is with a beginner’s mind.

  • Sessions go from 30-90 minutes

  • While there are no strict lifestyle changes required, many individuals naturally find themselves drawn to healthier habits after experiencing this energetic work. This can include dietary changes, increased self-care practices, and a greater focus on personal growth.

  • Spinal Energetics is working with the nervous system to help release stored trauma and promote healing and recovery.

    The spine is considered the foundation of the body and the nervous system is responsible for transmitting signals throughout the body and regulating various bodily functions.

    The technique involves gentle touch/no touch, movement and awareness exercise to create a more balanced flow of energy throughout the body, which can help promote healing and improve overall health.

  • Taking it easy for the rest of the day after a session.

    Some gentle movement or walk.

    Grounding yourself in nature barefoot.

    A shower or bath.

    Be sure to stay hydrated.

    Really focusing on nurturing and nourishing yourself during this time.

  • A core healing function of this energetic work is cultivating self-awareness: discovering, connecting and claiming ownership of one’s energy; creative, spiritual, and even political, and committing to walking a liberated path of authenticity.

  • If you have any of the below please contact us before booking.

    Under 12 years old (for Sacred waves spinal energetic sessions)

    Heart conditions


    Recent physical injuries, fractures and/or surgeries.

    History of aneurisms

    Hospitalisation for any psychiatric condition, emotional crisis, spiritual emergence within the past three years.

    Severe mental health conditions.

    Currently taking heavy medications.

  • I want to take a moment to clarify the distinct paths that Kundalini Activation and Spinal Energetics offer. Each approach is a unique doorway to transformation, offering its own set of experiences and benefits.

    Kundalini Activation is a direct energy transmission that awakens the dormant Kundalini energy within you. Kundalini energy is the divine feminine energy that is also known as shakti or goddess energy and sometimes as serpent energy. When awakened, it rises through the energy centres or chakras along your spine, bringing about profound shifts at all levels of your being. This awakened energy can lead to deep healing, spiritual growth, and expanded consciousness. Kundalini Activation helps to facilitate a powerful awakening of this dormant energy, resulting in profound shifts at all levels of your being. When awakened and harnessed, Kundalini unleashes an extraordinary force that surges through our entire being, enabling profound healing, spiritual growth, and expanded consciousness.

    On the other hand, Spinal Energetics is an approach that merges Eastern and Western philosophies, focusing on the entire spine, nervous system and energetic imprints left by life experiences. This method involves working with the energetic layers of your being, addressing physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, and personal soul layers. It combines the wisdom of nervous system science with Eastern philosophies, incorporating sound, voice, and breath to facilitate deep connection to your inner intelligence. It encourages you to explore metaphysical elements and the emotional meanings of tensions throughout your body, promoting a holistic and multi-layered healing experience.

    In essence, Kundalini Activation dives deep into the transformative power of awakening your Kundalini life force energy, while Spinal Energetics takes an approach that encompasses the entire spine, nervous system and its energetic imprints. Both paths are powerful and transformative, yet they offer different entry points and focal points for your healing journey.

    Spinal Energetics sessions are shorter and are helpful for someone looking to address metaphysical elements of the body and create nervous system regulation. Kundalini Activation sessions are longer, allowing you to delve into and deeply explore inner landscapes and emotions, allowing trauma cycles to come to completion.

    Kundalini Activation is for you if... you seek a profound transformation that touches every aspect of your being, from spiritual growth to emotional healing, and you are ready for a longer, more intensive journey.

    Spinal Energetics is for you if... you are looking for an integrated approach that addresses both physical and emotional imbalances, and you prefer shorter sessions focused on metaphysical elements and nervous system regulation.

    Kundalini Activation you are awakening the Kundalini with your system, with Spinal Energetics you are not!

    Everything has a different frequency to it and Spinal Energetics and Kundalini are working with two different frequencies.

    The frequency that awakens the Kundalini energy helps to clear and purify your channel, supports your overall well-being and facilitates a comprehensive restoration of your mind, body, and spirit.

    Both paths offer incredible opportunities for healing and growth, and the choice ultimately depends on your unique journey and preferences. If you have any questions or would like further guidance on which path resonates with you, please don't hesitate to reach out. I'm here to support you every step of the way.