Meet Cate, The Trauma Informed Alchemist, founder of The Aurora Method.

Cate Porter is a trauma-informed alchemist devoted to guiding individuals to find their inner strength and peace through the transformative power of holistic practices. With her own unique story and challenges, she found herself magnetised towards helping others with trauma informed body based methods. Here, she formed Aurora.

Her own journey began in the shadows, met by anxiety, toxic relationships, birth trauma, and in simple terms, a profound and unwavering sense of being lost. Within this darkness, Cate discovered the luminous and activating power of energy healing and somatic practices. These sacred tools helped her unblock and unbind from old patterns, reclaim her confidence, and rediscover her true self. Now, she stands to share these gifts with others, understanding the deep challenges of healing from past traumas and the vital need for a safe, nurturing space for growth.

My Purpose:

“Deeply dedicated to healing and empowering men and women across the globe, my aim is to create a safe space for individuals to lead a more centred and liberated life. I focus on promoting wholeness and integration, personalised healing experiences, energetic balance, honouring the innate wisdom from your body. This creates a holistic approach to wellness, to bring about life-long change to my clients.”

“Through my own deep inner experience with motherhood, I realised the profound need for healing and support.”

Cate’s guidance is a soulful yet raw one, one that journeys into the depths of being, where the release of what no longer serves, transforms into a discovery of wisdom and strength. She believes that healing is a sacred journey of self-discovery and she is honoured to walk alongside those who seek her support.

Cate's personal story is etched with profound experiences that now shape the services and support she offers for her clients. The birth of her first child was a journey she eagerly anticipated, only to be met with PTSD from the trauma. This hard, impersonal and confronting experience left her feeling powerless as a new mum, navigating a whirlwind of emotions that the medical system often overlooks.

Her true transformation began during her second pregnancy, where she chose a compassionate birth team who understood the emotional depths of childbirth. Through the gentle art of bodywork, Cate began to unravel the trauma held within her body, reclaiming trust in herself and rewriting her birth story. This journey led her to a beautiful, empowering second birth and unveiled the profound healing power of energetic work.

For those who have experienced birth trauma or are on a path of self-discovery and healing, Cate offers her heart and services to support your journey towards inner strength, healing past wounds, and embracing a brighter future. Reach out to Cate to begin a sacred partnership on your healing path.

“In the darkest storms, we find our deepest strength.”

Relationships, whether nurturing or destructive, profoundly shape who we become. They serve as mirrors, reflecting our vulnerabilities, strengths, and the uncharted territories of our souls. Through the ebb and flow of these connections, we learn resilience, compassion, and the true essence of our inner power. It is within the these dark moments that we uncover the layers of our identity, ultimately guiding us toward a deeper understanding of ourselves and our capacity for growth and transformation.

It was navigating a narcissistic relationship that served as this destructive force and powerful catalyst for self reflection. Filled with manipulation, gaslighting, emotional and domestic abuse, she found herself disconnected from her worth and femininity. As the darkness deepened, an inner strength was born. It was here in this fragile, raw state she began to reclaim her worth. She sought refuge in talk therapy and energy work, slowly untangling the knots of co-dependancy and breaking free from the toxic patterns that had held her captive.

Though the journey was not linear, each setback became an opportunity for growth and transformation. Cate learned to set boundaries, honour her worth, and trust her intuition. Today, she stands resilient, with the scars of the past serving as reminders of her strength and the battles she has fought. Like all of us, her journey continues. Cate now moves forward with courage, knowing she has the power to create the life she deserves, and in turn channels this with a deep resilience and purpose to help others.

Cate’s services through Aurora, are here to guide you through your own journey of healing and empowerment. Together, you will uncover the strength and wisdom that already reside within you. She is here to hold you through it all.

Cate is here to guide you through your own journey of healing and empowerment. Together, you will uncover the strength and wisdom that already reside within you.

Connect to Cate to begin your transformative journey and embrace the healing light within.

My Intention when working with you:


Wholeness & Integration

Emphasising the interconnected nature of mind, body, and spirit to achieve overall wellness.


Personalised Healing

Tailoring each session to address the unique needs and aspirations of every individual.


Embodied Wisdom

Honouring the body's innate intelligence and wisdom through powerful somatic practices and holistic therapies.


Personalised Healing

The Aurora container will be a calming and supportive space that encourages deep healing and personal growth.